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Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
International Business Student at EAFIT University.

Leadership and management styles

There are two ways of approaching the Organisation´s boss level. Leadership differs from Management in several ways. Meanwhile Management only plans, organises and controls, it seeks to maintain the Status quo based on stability. On the other hand, Leadership looks for innovation in approaching the challenges an Organisation faces by motivating people.
Author Alan Keith, says that “Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen.” 1
So we could go with the following sentence from the same source... “Leadership is the influence of others in a productive, vision-driven direction and is done through the example, conviction, and character of the leader.” 2
Now we must ask ourselves, what a Leader is and how he can work with this framework. The answer jumps quickly and stipulates that a leader should be an inspirer or the people around him, also being well spoken and well prepared; they not only manage the personnel but also encourage and lead them into finding better solutions for the labour environment and the process problems of an Organisation. This facilitates greatly the advancing of the Status quo into improvement.

We must talk now about the different styles and the different aptitudes that leadership has and what a leader must be made of.
Authoritarian style
Somewhat autocratic, where most of the decision making process is centred on the leader. It is what he says and nothing else fits in the answer equation.
Democratic Style
It is participative; it goes in favour of dealing with the group in order to achieve an answer in the process of decision making.
Laissez-faire style
It leaves everything to the group and practically the leader doesn´t block any decision. It is not a good style, I say, because the train can get off track.
I would choose the second style, the Democratic one, in which a leader can show its value without stepping on the group´s initiative. Also, we saw in the slides that a leader must be charismatic, to have great skills, especially in mass speech to persuade or motivate the worker or the person who listens to him.
Don´t forget that leaders can mislead as well, if not, take a look at the following picture...
But let´s stay focused on the Organisational level and let´s assume that every leader is fairly good. They must be authentic and must have, before all a great spiritual and mental peace to achieve good results. Therefore “leaders will find it hard to sustain energy and commitment within the organization unless they systemically restore their own energy (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), as well as create the conditions and serve as role models for others to do the same.3
3. Available at "How centered leaders achieve extraordinary results. Authors: Barsh, Mogelof and Webb, McKinsey Quarterly, 2010, Issue 4, p78-88, 9p, Data base: Business Source Complete".
That is why the Organisations must take care of their leaders and treat them nicely, sometimes even pampering them, in order to achieve their personal stability to be able to lead the rest of the workers to healthy business environment conditions.
Finally, let´s jump into introducing two terms that can be seen as a form of leadership Organisation.
It is a South Korean form of business conglomerate. They are also family controlled big corporations which have become world known.
Ex: Hyundai, LG and Samsung.
It is a Japanese form of business conglomerate. They are companies interlocked together in powerful relations. For example, they own the same big banks from which they loan money from. They have helped to the “Japanese economic miracle”.
Ex: Toyota and Mitsubishi.

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