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Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
International Business Student at EAFIT University.

Ethical behaviour in international business

The eternal battle between Good and Evil, ever since Greek times, mankind has studied Ethics to address the questions about morality. It is basically, deciding between Right or Wrong.
It goes directly into forming the values and beliefs of an Organisation and into an individual acknowledging them.
Basically there are three ways of responding to decision making in the Organisational field, telling and acting according to the truth, omitting information and acting according to certain policies and basically lying about the whole process.
It goes from right to wrong, is very simple, the thing is that it gets very complicated when it involves the individuals mind and his or her cultural values and beliefs. Killing is mostly forbidden in any culture, it is wrong, but to some cannibal tribes in certain areas of the world it is ok. Therefore the thin line that divides right from wrong gets formed and depends on the cultural perspective.
But basically lying, cheating, forging and abusing are things that affect the Corporation´s well-being.
Nelson and Quick say that ethical decision requires evaluating ethical issues, self confidence to decide what is right after various opinions have been made and tough-mindedness to make decisions under uncertainty.
Therefore if the individual has his or her value system it must work according to the Corporation policies, norms, codes of conduct and moral action.
But what is Moral or Morality ?.
It is a behavioural code or conduct that influences strongly decision making.
Finally, in class we asked this question...
How does culture help the process of decision making in multicultural environments ?.
Hofstede is a great help to understand the process of decision making according to Multicultural environments of different cultural dimensions. Individualism and collectivism play an important role in cultures with different ways of decision making in the Organisation. Whether they seek to profit or benefit the individual or the community or even the whole world, decision making can be altered by these approaches.
Japanese ethical values, for example, make the most committed workers in the world. For instance if they disowned the company they used to commit suicide, not anymore nowadays, but that talks about a strong rapport with the company.
Other cultures don´t see the Corporation as crucial in their lives, although one must be responsible towards its Organisation in any cultural place.

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